Year 11 & 12 Senior Secondary Accredited Language Courses


CIT Solutions’ Centre for Modern Languages (CML) was established in 2004 to expand on the language courses offered at CIT. Since then, we have grown to a network of more than 200+ expert language trainers across 27 languages.

Our senior secondary language programs are designed for college students who want to learn a language. We provide a unique opportunity for those who cannot study their preferred foreign languages during regular school hours.

Why Choose Us?

About Us

CIT Solutions’ Centre for Modern Languages (CML) is a trusted partner for high-quality language training in the Canberra region and beyond. We empower students to unlock their full potential and thrive in the 21st century.

BSSS Accreditation

CIT Solutions’ Centre for Modern Languages (CML) is accredited by the ACT Board of Senior School Studies (BSSS) as a Specialist Education Provider


Our teachers are registered with the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI). As we commence 2024 programs, our teachers are Miriam Kataoka (Japanese), Rodrigo Martin (Spanish), Uma Ramiah (Tamil), Sabina Imamovic (German), Elissa Burt (Korean), Baba Touré (French). Orion Lethbridge is our Convenor of Studies.

Courses Offered

In 2025, CIT Solutions Centre for Modern Languages (CML) will be delivering six languages – French, German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Tamil. Students can enrol in a Beginning, Continuing, or Advanced course in the language(s) of their choice.

Classes are conducted after school hours at Ainslie School. Scheduling outside day school hours enables participants to commute from their day schools after completing other classes. Students have a two-hour session of face-to-face instruction each week during teaching weeks, and they have two hours of programmed offsite work per week, supported by online resources.

Course Units

In ACT senior secondary studies, one semester of study is one "unit". Students can complete their language study as a minor (2 semesters) or a major (minimum 3.5 semesters). A major in Languages is recognised for bonus points by the Australian National University, under the ANU Awards National Access Scheme.

For students interested in further language studies after Year 12, there is also information on options for studying languages at universities on the University Languages Portal Australia.

Course Levels

  • Beginning courses under BSSS language eligibility guidelines are intended for students with minimal prior experience in the target language, taking account of three criteria: prior participation in school-based language studies; residency in a country where the target language is used; and use of the target language outside the classroom (for example at home).

  • Continuing courses on prior language learning, generally from high school language courses. They consolidate communication skills so that students can understand and use French in a wide range of familiar contexts.

  • Advanced courses build from a broader set of capabilities, generally from experience gained through bilingual and immersion programs or family language background. They refine and extends communication skills so that students can understand and communicate key information and ideas in a broad range of contexts and can interact with a degree of ease and spontaneity.

Detailed Information



5:15pm to 7:15pm




5:15pm to 7:15pm





5:15pm to 7:15pm



Ainslie School is at 33 Donaldson Street, Braddon 2612, and is centrally located, close to the City Bus Interchange and the Elouera Street Light Rail station.

Course Fee

In 2025, all students enrolled with CIT Solutions Centre for Modern languages can enjoy our courses for $625 per course per term. Affordable and accessible language learning at your fingertips.

In some cases, your college may endorse your language studies.

Yearly Timetable/Calendar

Contact us

Let us know your contact details and the language you’d like to study, and we’ll guide you through the process.

For inquiries, please reach out to us at